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The three giants of Spanish cold cuisine: salmorejo, gazpacho and ajoblanco

Spanish cuisine shines through the freshness and flavor of three of its most iconic dishes: salmorejo, gazpacho, and ajoblanco. Although these three dishes share some ingredients and a long tradition, each has its own unique character. If you’ve ever wondered what sets them apart, today we’ll explain

Salmorejo: creamy and consistent

Salmorejo is probably the densest of the three. This Cordoban dish is known for its smooth, creamy texture, achieved with a generous use of bread, extra virgin olive oil, and tomato. It is often served with hard-boiled egg and chopped serrano ham on top, adding a salty and substantial touch. It’s ideal for those seeking a heartier dish with a deep tomato flavor.

  • Main ingredients: tomato, bread, olive oil, garlic, vinegar.

  • Texture: creamy and thick.

  • Flavor: smooth, with a pronounced tomato taste.

Gazpacho: fresh and light

Gazpacho is the king of cold dishes. Originating from Andalusia, it is known for its freshness and lightness. Unlike salmorejo, it includes more vegetables such as cucumber, bell pepper, and onion, making it a more liquid and refreshing soup. Perfect to enjoy chilled, it’s the ideal option to combat the heat of summer.

  • Main ingredients: tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, garlic, vinegar, olive oil.

  • Texture: liquid, soup-like.

  • Flavor: fresh and vibrant, with a balance between the acidity of the tomato and the flavors of the vegetables.

Ajoblanco: The Freshness of Almonds

Ajoblanco is distinguished by its white color and unique flavor. Made primarily with raw almonds, garlic, bread, and oil, it has a more liquid texture, similar to gazpacho, but with a taste that combines the creaminess of almonds with the intense kick of garlic. Traditionally served with grapes or melon, it adds a sweet and refreshing contrast to the dish.

  • Main ingredients: almonds, bread, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, water.

  • Texture: liquid and creamy.

  • Flavor: smooth, with hints of garlic and a sweet touch if accompanied by fruit.

Which one to choose?

The choice between salmorejo, gazpacho, or ajoblanco depends on the moment and personal taste. If you prefer something creamier and more filling, salmorejo is your best option. If you’re looking for freshness and lightness, gazpacho is perfect for you. And if you’re in the mood for a different taste with almond creaminess, ajoblanco will surprise you.

No matter which one you choose, all are a delicious showcase of Andalusian cuisine. Come and find some of the most special ingredients at Trastienda!


Tags: Spanish cuisine, salmorejo, gazpacho, ajoblanco, Andalusian gastronomy, traditional recipes, cold dishes, flavor and tradition, culinary culture, Mediterranean food, fresh ingredients, Spanish delights, recipes, cooking, culinary art, soup, foods, culinary recipe, New York.

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