1 Kilogram of Broth = 33 liters of Stock
$3.79 per litter.
The exquisite stocks, broths, and fumets of LA PEROLA are made exclusively from 100% natural ingredients. They are slowly reduced through traditional cooking methods until all moisture is evaporated, allowing for maximum flavor concentration while preserving all their organoleptic properties. Our unique dehydration and grinding process in a controlled environment combines the best of tradition with the latest technology, significantly reducing the volume and weight of the final product. This not only ensures its preservation and stability but also facilitates handling, transportation, storage, and precise dosing in the kitchen.
We employ five techniques: homemade preparation, alcohol reduction, sofrito preparation, pressure boiling, and low-temperature dehydration. Why do we dehydrate at low temperatures? To maintain the volatile components of the broths. This process offers significant energy savings, making our broth production more sustainable. Additionally, it reduces packaging material usage: 1 kilogram of broth equates to 33 liters of stock. Our dehydrated broths retain their full properties and can last up to 9 months after opening.
Dosing: Using a scale is the most accurate way to monitor weight, costs, and uniformity when measuring our dehydrated stocks and fumets, which pack a robust flavor. Our dispensers also facilitate dosing, saving time while ensuring a high degree of accuracy. At LA PEROLA, we typically add the stock directly into the sofrito, stirring briefly to prevent browning or burning before introducing the water. This method enhances the flavor and ensures that any evaporation loss comes solely from the water, thus managing costs effectively.